...die schönsten Menschen sind die, die mit Ihrem Herzen lachen ...the most beautiful people are those who laugh with their hearts |
- Portraits - |
der Blick / the view (north of Vietnam) People401
Fischer / fisherman (Hoi An / Vietnam) People402
Nonne / nun (Siem Reap / Kambodscha - Cambodia) People403
das Lächeln / the smile (Siem Reap / Kambodscha - Cambodia) People404
das Gesicht / the face (Hoi An / Vietnam) People405
from Bangkok... (Thailand) People406
Frau vom Mekong Delta / woman from Mekong Delta (Vietnam) People407
Bedürftiger / beggar (Kambodscha - Cambodia) People408
Nonne / nun (Angkor Wat / Kambodscha - Cambodia) People409
Mönch / monk (Angkor Wat / Kambodscha - Cambodia) People410
alte Frau / old woman (Don Khong / Laos) People411
Bedürftiger / beggar (Bangkok / Thailand) People412
Duschzeit / shower time (Siem Reap / Kambodscha - Cambodia) / People413
Bedürftiger / beggar (Sapa / north of Vietnam) People414
Blick / view (Sapa / north of Vietnam) People415