...die Entwicklung findet nicht nur in der Dunkelkammer statt ...the development does not only take place in the Darkroom |
- Menschen, Landschaften und Natur - - people, landscapes and nature - |

Fischer / fisherman (Hoi An-Vietnam) b&w101

der Blick / the view (Nord Vietnam - north of Vietnam) b&w102

tattoo man (Bangkok-Thailand) b&w103

Affenjunge / monkey boy (Irian Jaya) b&w104

Nonne / nun (Kambodscha - Cambodia / Angkor Wat) b&w105

Raucher / smoker (Kambodscha - Cambodia) b&w106

Mutterliebe / mother's love (Irian Jaya) b&w121

Himba Mädchen / girl (Süd Angola - south of Angola) b&w122

Himba - Rasur / shave (Kaokoveld Namibia - north of Namibia) b&w123

Nonne / nun (Kambodscha - Cambodia / Angkor Wat) b&w124

Old Man of Storr (Isle of Skye / Schottland - Scotland) b&w130

Loch Shiel (Glennfinnan / Schottland - Scotland) b&w131

Morgenstimmung / morning mood (Norwegen - Norway) b&w132

Spiegelung / reflection (Schottland - Scotland) b&w133

Sonnenuntergang / sunset (Galloway Forest Park / Schottland - Scotland) b&w134

Wasserfall / water fall (Isle of Skye / Schottland - Scotland) b&w135

Schiffswrack / ship wreck (Loch Ness / Schottland - Scotland) b&w136

Forth Road Bridge (North Queensferry / Schottland - Scotland) b&w137

Holzpfähle / wooden poles (Loch Ness / Schottland - Scotland) b&w138

Halong Bay (north of Vietnam) b&w139

Sapa ( north of Vietnam) b&w140

Ebene der Tonkrüge / plain of jars (north of Laos) b&w141

Nebelstimmung / foggy mood (Loch Lomond / Schottland - Scotland) b&w142

Friedhof / graveyard (Freiburg / Deutschland - Germany) b&w143

banyan tree (Ta Phrom / Kambodscha - Cambodia) b&w144

Wasserfälle / water falls (Plitvicer Seen Kroatien - plitvice lakes Croatia) b&w181

Wasserfall / water fall (Isle of Skye / Schottland - Scotland) b&w182

Wasserfall / water fall (Norwegen - Norway) b&w183

Wasserfälle / water falls (Norwegen - Norway) b&w184